November 05, 2021

Are we teaming?

Pallavi Adapa has been hired as our student casual to help us creatively gather content for our 30 Year Anniversary webpage. Pallavi is a Master's student in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at Columbia University. She graduated in 2020 from UCLA with a B.A. in Philosophy and a B.A. in Linguistics. She has a background in education and law and hopes to pursue a career in the legal field in the future.

Below an introduction from Pallavi Adapa.

PALLAVI ADAPA, Student Casual, NECR MS Candidate

Teams are an effective way to foster creativity, maximize knowledge sharing, and increase productivity. The following articles are helpful readings in creating effective teams:

Below are video clips from Patrick Lencioni and Amy Edmondson discussing team effectiveness.

Are you an ideal team player? - Patrick Lencioni
How to turn a group of strangers into a team - Amy Edmondson
team work