Our Role

The role of the Ombuds Office is to serve as a confidential, informal, and impartial resource for faculty, students, and staff who may have a University-related concern or problem.  Our office is independent of University administration.  We adhere to the Standards of Practice of the International Ombuds Association (IOA) and are required to maintain an active membership with the IOA. We are skilled in active-listening, mediation, negotiation, facilitation, conflict coaching and other resolution techniques. 

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What to expect when you visit the Ombuds Office

Whatever the issue or concern may be, confidentiality is the rule.  We hold the identity of our visitors and all communications in strict confidence and will not disclose communications unless given permission to do so, except as required by law, or where, in the judgment of the Ombuds Officers, there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm.