November 03, 2021

Are you really listening?

Below an introduction from Assistant Ombuds Officer, Marilyn Molina, MS, CO-OP.


Are you really listening?

Have you heard people say to you, go on...don't mind me...I'm listening and they're on their phone texting, reviewing messages, checking calendars, etc.? And, have you heard someone saying to you with much pride, I'm a great multi-tasker! Talk to me while I construct this email, check my vm, organize my desk, or [fill-in the blank]? Listening is our most employed communication skill. It demonstrates that we are paying attention to the person who is sharing their thoughts and feelings. It involves paying attention to the story and how it is told. It means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages.

The following articles contain useful tips to help you listen effectively:

Below are video clips of William Ury and Julian Treasure discussing the importance of listening.

The Power of Listening - William Ury
How To Speak So That People Want To Listen - Julian Treasure
are you a good listener